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Don’t leave money on the table when you divorce

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2020 | Alimony

When you’re making your way out of a bad marriage, it’s natural to want to rid yourself of any connections with your spouse and the past.

We get it. Just don’t be hasty. Acting rashly now can disadvantage you financially far into the future. If there’s any potential for alimony, also known as spousal support, walking away without knowing all of your rights is a mistake.

Alimony is typically paid by a higher-earning spouse to a lesser-earning spouse. The period of time that alimony is paid can be very brief — just long enough to get you restarted in your own career or life. It may also continue indefinitely, until you either remarry or die.

Michigan doesn’t have set rules for determining when and how alimony is paid. Instead, each case is approached on its own merits. Judges will typically examine several different facts when they determine whether alimony is warranted. Those fact can include:

  • The standard of living that you enjoyed during the marriage: While your standard of living might change, it’s generally unfair for one spouse to be left financially comfortable and the other to be left destitute.
  • The length of your marriage: Generally speaking, the longer a marriage lasted, the longer alimony is likely to be awarded during a divorce.
  • The age and health of both parties: If the dependent spouse is older and in poor health, there’s less likelihood that they can support themselves.
  • Your education and work history: If you have lots of work experience and a college degree, you’re more likely to be self-sufficient than someone who has always been a stay-at-home parent.

Don’t let your frustrations with your marriage or your spouse’s antics force you to leave money on the table in your divorce. An experienced attorney can take the burden of negotiations off your shoulders and protect your interests. Learn more about what we can do by continuing to review our site.
